Monday 30 November 2015

Rediscovering the Classics

I forgot just how much I enjoyed the classic and timeless works of Beatrix Potter as a child. In the last few days I've been rediscovery some childhood favourites with my son, Finley.

My mum and dad have been looking after Finn a couple of days a week as I make the slow transition to a working mum. When I went over there yesterday evening to collect him, on the kitchen bench was a copy of "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" and "The Tale of Jeremy Fisher". I could not resist picking them up and reading them aloud to my boy before bed.

I felt so much love and happiness rediscovering these childhood faves and could almost tell Peter Rabbit's tale by heart from the amount of times it was read to me by my mum, Finley's Nana (who now reads it to him). It brings a big fat happy nostalgic tear to my eye.

I can highly recommend picking up an old childhood favourite and enjoying the warm fuzzies as you reacquaint yourself with its pages.

Have a lovely week, my friends!

Friday 27 November 2015

Baby Bedtime by Mem Fox & Emma Quay

Title: Baby Bedtime
Author: Mem Fox
Illustrator: Emma Quay
Publication Date: October 2013

Mem Fox and Emma Quay teamed up to bring mum and bubs a great little story for bedtime. Although the recommended age for Baby Bedtime is 2-4 years old, I feel that it's a tale you can share with your baby bear from quite young as there is only a sentence per page. This keeps story time short when you've got a little wriggle worm on your hands.

Mem Fox structures the story with lyrical prose that leads your little one to bed with a final kiss from mum or dad before (with luck) drifting off to the land of dreams.

"But there comes a time for sleeping, and our sleepy time is now. So fall asleep, my angel... with a kiss upon your brow."

This journey to the crib is accompanied by Emma Quay's lovely little elephant characters, which, while striking and beautiful, are kept simple, using soft pastel colours, with not too much to over stimulate baby at bed time.

I recommend trying this book in your bed time routine. It comes in a beautiful large hardback, perfect for a gift or a compact board book, perfect for those who like to chew on their books. It is fun to read, it is a great one for bonding with bub and it assists in getting the little human sleepy so you can move onto that glass of wine and netflix! ;)

What are some of your favourite books for bedtime? Please share in the comments below.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Trust by Mike Bullen

Title: Trust
Author: Mike Bullen
Publication Date: 10 Nov 2015

Mike Bullen could not have chosen a more pertinent title for his debut novel. Trust is the fundamental theme and substance of this story and indeed of life too. Our relationships, which make our lives whole, ultimately revolve around the fine balance of trust. Bullen explores the complexity of what it means to trust a person and questions whether trust can be rebuilt once broken. Bullen successfully explores these fundamental questions of life through the complex construction of his sometimes annoying but very identifiable characters.

Colleagues and friends Greg and Dan head off to a conference for work, there they are faced with a situation where they have the opportunity to cheat on their wife and partner. The decisions they make here will ultimately dictate their future. I do not want to give anything away but the way in which this story unfolds is very well thought out and really challenges the reader to ask themselves what they would do in this situation. For me, I found myself identifying with the wife and partner who are back home and deal with the consequences of their husband and partner’s actions. I’ve always been of the view that if my partner cheated on me that would pretty much break us apart. I would probably pack up my life and leave. However, now we have a son, I feel like that changes everything, you have another life in your hands and suddenly not everything is black and white. This novel proves that once trust has been broken, if you love someone enough, there may be a possibility, just maybe that the trust could be rebuilt… Relationships ebb and flow, you have to nurture and tend to the love you have for each other. It’s not sunshine and rainbows all the time.

They were like gardeners who don’t tend to their plants, who take it for granted that they’ll bloom this year because they always have in the past. But just as shrubs need light, water and cultivated soil, so love needs romance, tenderness and care. Without nurture, it too can wither and die.”

What are your views on this? Do you feel that cheating is black and white or do you think there is a grey area? I feel every situation is different, it depends if the person has fallen in love with a new partner or whether it is a onetime thing. There are a million different factors. It depends how strong the love is between two people to begin with. I am in NO WAY condoning cheating but isn’t this just proof that Mike Bullen has achieved what every author strives to achieve with their writing? He has kept the reader thinking, contemplating, and pondering, long after putting his novel down.

Trust is the perfect selection for your next book club book it certainly will get some heated debates going, so be prepared!