Thursday 17 March 2016

Just One of Those Weeks

"A portrait of my son, once a week, every week, in 2016"

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One day I'll get one of these 52 project posts up on time. I could make a billion excuses about how last week was hectic and at times I felt like I was hanging on by a single thread and if anyone dare ask if I was okay they best be prepared for a teary mess... I could go on and on about that or I could just use this photo of my little ray of sunshine amongst it all to perfectly depict my mood for the 11th week of 2016.

Don't worry beloved readers this week has been a lot better. All sunshine, rainbows and puppies  (there's not actually puppies but if anyone wants to send some I won't object).

The 52 Project by Practising Simplicity 

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Creating Memories

Over the past few weeks I fell quite behind with Practising Simplicity's 52 Project. I nearly threw in the towel completely with the whole thing as I thought it would be ridiculous to try and catch up, but then I thought again (I know, right? So much thinking for one day) and realised how wonderful it will be to have this collection of weekly photos for us to look back on with Finley and share all the fun and funny memories.

So here it goes... 4 weeks' worth of photos. Enjoy!

"A portrait of my son, once a week, every week, in 2016"

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The little bathtime dinosaur. Every night after bathtime mummy wraps you in this towel and takes you out to to daddy who roars at you and you think is the funniest thing in the world! Soon you will start roaring back, I'm sure!

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Your first time finger painting. I think you have the potential to be a great artist, once you stop painting your face and eating the paper. Unless that's part of your process?

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Time to try out swings with mummy and Grandy. Like most little sprogs you find these swing contraptions oddly fascinating and immensely fun!

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This week you discovered you could climb into things and eat melon with no hands. Winning!

The 52 Project by Practising Simplicity 

Monday 18 January 2016

It's the Little Things

"A portrait of my son, once a week, every week, in 2016"

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I had a couple of down days this week as I was feeling unproductive and guilty for not getting the housework done. But Finley Frank you showed me that I have so much to be happy and thankful for in this life. I took this photo of you when I had given up on trying to be productive and come to the realisation that motivation wasn't going to come to me that day so we set off to the park. Well, you just came alive, you could not have been happier to leave the house and get out into the sunshine. You reminded me that it can be as simple as having the sunshine on your face and the breeze in your hair to bring happiness to your day. Sometimes you just have to come to terms with the fact that you haven't mopped that floor or washed those dishes and feel productive anyway as you've remembered to take a day to enjoy your child and live your best life.

The 52 Project by Practising Simplicity 

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Those Eyes. That Face.

"A portrait of my son, once a week, every week, in 2016"

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No words just those eyes and that face. All of the love!

The 52 Project by Practising Simplicity 

Monday 4 January 2016

The 52 Project 2016

"A portrait of my son, once a week, every week, in 2016"

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Finley has started the new year a bit under the weather. He's been uncomfortable and sad but such a trooper at the same time, still being generous with his smiles. It's made my heart warm watching him sleep this week as I know when he's asleep he is comfortable and getting himself better and back to his bright bubbly self with every snooze. This is Finley catching some Z's in the shade of our new year's day family picnic.

The 52 Project by Practising Simplicity