Monday 30 November 2015

Rediscovering the Classics

I forgot just how much I enjoyed the classic and timeless works of Beatrix Potter as a child. In the last few days I've been rediscovery some childhood favourites with my son, Finley.

My mum and dad have been looking after Finn a couple of days a week as I make the slow transition to a working mum. When I went over there yesterday evening to collect him, on the kitchen bench was a copy of "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" and "The Tale of Jeremy Fisher". I could not resist picking them up and reading them aloud to my boy before bed.

I felt so much love and happiness rediscovering these childhood faves and could almost tell Peter Rabbit's tale by heart from the amount of times it was read to me by my mum, Finley's Nana (who now reads it to him). It brings a big fat happy nostalgic tear to my eye.

I can highly recommend picking up an old childhood favourite and enjoying the warm fuzzies as you reacquaint yourself with its pages.

Have a lovely week, my friends!

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